Wednesday, November 5, 2014

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Update on Lady the badly burned pit bull

The good news is, Lady is doing well.
Im posting some pictures from the Michigan Humane Society — its an update to what theyd previously sent when she first reached their offices.
You can follow her progress online at the Michigan Humane Societys website, and dont forget, theres a $10,000 reward being offered for information leading to her arrest.

What is too graphic?
Id love to have a discussion in this space about what is too graphic to post (a big thanks to Lynn to answering my question in my previous post!).
Heres my position — I have a hard time determining what is graphic anymore. I watch too much Animal Cops, Ive seen too many horrible things, both in the animal world and beyond. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore.
Part of me thinks that it takes some graphic images to really stir people. That same part of me wonders if I couldve accurately conveyed how horrible Ladys burning was without using the photos.
From the newspapers standpoint, its a little different. Our print newspaper can be lying on the counter top, kitchen table or a coffee table in anyones household, totally accessible to anyone of any age in that household. That means that when our editors discuss what should and shouldnt be used in the paper, theyre thinking about the children running around in the households of our readers and trying to prevent an innocent child from picking up the paper and seeing an offensive image.
But what about this blog?
Sure, the reading material may not geared toward little kids. Thinking back to when I was 10- or 11-years-old, though, I mightve been a bit mature for my age, but I certainly couldve seen myself reading a blog similar to the one Im writing now.
On the other hand, theres much more offensive stuff out there online.

So, what is too graphic for this space? When it comes right down to it, I want to know what you, my readers, think.

Were the photos I posted of Lady in my original post about her too graphic? Should I take them down? Is it a moot point to take them down now?

And, is there some sort of rule of thumb I can make for myself going forward?

Im not just asking for your input, Im begging for it.
Thank you!!

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